Social Life at Etiya

Online Social Events

We come together through online activities, which we organize intensively especially during the coronavirus epidemic. Some examples are:

  • Live broadcasts, where we host keynote speakers on various subjects
  • Social events, we organize for special days
  • Live gym sessions that we organize in order to keep healthy while staying home
  • “Coffee Break”s, where our employees share their interests/hobbies

Etiya Tech Talks

Our employees talk about their expertise in the live broadcast series, which we organize in order to share information on technology.

Annual Company Meeting

By the end of each year, we organize an event with accommodation, where we gather all our employees, put the previous year in perspective, set targets for the next one and have plenty of fun together.

Happy Hour Parties

We have fun all together in the Happy Hour parties, held under various themes on the last Friday of each month.

Synergy Breakfast Events

We convene as a part of synergy breakfast events, where our employees with one month into their tenure at Etiya share their first impressions and experiences.

Corporate Events

We participate in intercompany events and contests with teams of Etiya employees.

Special Occasions

We attach importance to special occasions and convenes as a part of convivial events, held on various special occasions.

Team Events

We provide our teams with a budget to hold two events a year in order to promote spending time together outside the office.

Social Clubs

We hold fun activities through a variety of social clubs with focus on various interests.

“Coffee Break” Events

Our coffee break events, where employees share their hobbies or interests, help us get to know each other better and boost our communication.

“Jumper” Awards

We reward our employees, who have achieved outstanding success throughout the year with our in-house rewarding practice.