ACG Research Report Pushing The Boundaries Of NFV: The Virtualized Digital Service Provider


Operators are replacing bespoke hardware-based network elements with software-based virtual network elements. By doing this to the extreme and running these in a public cloud under a managed services contract, while digitalizing the user interface in a way that takes maximum advantage of artificial intelligence, the industry will redefine what it means to be a communications service provider. A new Canadian mobile operator, Fizz, is pioneering this approach, which has enabled it to build a new business from scratch and expand very quickly, with minimal capital investment.

This report outlines what a mobile Virtualized Digital Service Provider would look like and provide an example of a new Canadian mobile brand, Fizz, which was implemented in 2018 using the VDSP approach by Etiya. 
This report is written by Dr. Mark H Mortensen, Principal Analyst, Communications Software, at ACG Research and founder of Audrine Research. He is an acknowledged industry expert in software and operations of Communications Service Providers, with over 40 years experience in OSS and BSS specifications, software architecture, product marketing, and sales enablement. 

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