AI Bubbles for Your CSR

2017-09-07 Nihan Tuncay

Let’s imagine, when your CSR or one of your dealers enters the system and a virtual assistant helps them to know the customer better, not missing a detail and offering the best available product they can buy or reminding the CSR an opportunity for a segment upgrade for customer.

Standard CRM products manually cover these processes but does not provide a “contextual” view of the customer; it appears as unassociated and disjointed customer information that the CSR must piece together.  There is limited 360 view of the customer; at best it provides what the customer have bought before, and what the customer is buying now, but not what she or he likes or is likely to buy.  What about her or his social media postings, community of interest and influences.  

Autonomous learning systems are here to stay.  It is the adoption in the CSP that have not been in pace with other industries.  Let us face this, machines do a better job of doing repetitive tasks and it has unlimited re-call, humans do not. Autonomous learning technologies is used to enhance customer satisfaction by improving on key areas of customer experience. Most of the tech companies have started using them for marketing operations, pricing, sales automation and customer service and support.  

CRM system is generally known as huge databases that we collect and store customer data.  Predictive data analysis or machine learning experiences supplemented by cognitive collaborative learning systems will replace the manual processes and create a more consistent high level of customer experience leading to a brand effect and solving CSR empathy issues.

According to Gartner; “any industry that collects data that can be analyzed can benefit from the power of AI” and in 2018 %20 of business content will be produced by AI, at the same time 6 million devices will communicate with each other and share info.

Next Step 

There are several methods you can use during adopting your CRM to autonomous learning technologies but maybe your target market is not aware of these technologies yet. In this situation, you can use Double-Loop Marketing by creating awareness about autonomous learning technologies and achieve enough credibility among the group of potential buyers and finally monetize by converting mind share to the wallet share. 

If your target is ready to go for autonomous learning technologies then go for NBA (Next- Best Action) marketing strategy. Use predictive analytics instead of traditional methods to interpret gathered information about individual customers and try to forecast the customer's future transactions, basically suggest personalized next-best-actions for customers or maybe find next best expert or agent for the customer complaints.

It is important to be the first when new tech comes in, let’s start your with your CRM to adopt autonomous learning technologies.  Be ready for a smarter future, do not fall behind.

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