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Evolution of Telco centered Business Ecosystem with 5G Networks

The sequential industrial revolutions over the last two centuries have changed our understanding of doing business. Sectoral developments centered around these revolutions have reshaped overall economic environment.

The focus of the fourth Industrial Revolution is the virtual/cyber world. Many new concepts such as autonomous systems, IoT, and big data have been introduced in the last two decades. However, these concepts have not yet been fully implemented.


Customer Next-Understanding Digital Twins

For companies, processes play a crucial role in ensuring that they maintain their competitiveness while also meeting important standards. Therefore, it is particularly important to design critical decision-making processes.

All scenarios should be considered directly or indirectly for structurally healthy process design; only then can organizational decision-making processes can be carried out without any risk.


ACG Research Report Pushing The Boundaries Of NFV: The Virtualized Digital Service Provider

Operators are replacing bespoke hardware-based network elements with software-based virtual network elements. By doing this to the extreme and running these in a public cloud under a managed services contract, while digitalizing the user interface in a way that takes maximum advantage of artificial intelligence, the industry will redefine what it means to be a communications service provider. A new Canadian mobile operator, Fizz, is pioneering this approach, which has enabled it to build a new business from scratch and expand very quickly, with minimal capital investment.


Putting the Connected Customer First

For the last few years service providers have been planning and undergoing massive digital transformations of their businesses. The common focus has been on transforming their technologies, culture and processes to meet the agility needs of 5G, virtualization, and digital services. Traditional digital transformations are long and costly, including significant modifications to many internal and external company systems and processes.

While those are valid and important areas to focus on, they are really only the tools or infrastructure required to accomplish a digital transformation. Just upgrading them will not meet the expectations of the new economy.


2019 and The Changing Concept of Transformation

Whilst we embark on a new year with companies across industries forging lots of ambitious plans and all sorts of change programs, it’s worth reflecting on how the past year has brought inevitable developments to the concept and approaches around digital transformation.

Today digital transformation is far more than just a trendy term or the flavor of the month. In fact, a recent study from around the world shows that 97% of online companies are launching a digital transformation and this figure has risen to 67% for non-online companies. Compared to the 2017 results of the same survey, there is a 20% increase in digitalization.


From AI to Customer Satisfaction in 5 ways

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not only going to profoundly change that way in which service providers operate their networks and do business, but it is also going to dramatically change the way they interact with their customers. In fact, using AI to enhance interactions with customers is the single most popular application today. According to Gartner Research, more than 85% of all customer interactions will be digital and managed without a human by 2020.
