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How to drive revenue growth via effective campaign management capabilities

Campaigns are essential tools to boost sales, improve the customer experience and increase revenues. Most of the times, enhancing customer experience while increasing revenue is a challenging task for marketing departments.
You should evaluate many variables to create an effective campaign that balances experience improvement and revenue growth.
Watch this webinar to explore;


Enabler of 5G monetization: Intelligent Slicing - where to start, how to enrich

The evolution of 5G network technology provides a new revenue opportunity for the global economy, regardless of the industry. 5G will not only affect the telecom industry; it is expected to radically transform business and industrial processes in a range of sectors by enabling the adoption of new technologies and services.


Improving Customer & Employee experience with Artificial Intelligence

86% of companies predict Artificial Intelligence (AI) to be mainstream technology at their companies.
AI takes the organisations one step ahead the competition by changing their way of doing business. It helps organizations to boost revenues, lower their costs and uncover new opportunities via generation of new insights.


Digital Transformation in Finance Industry: The Latest State in Turkey

IDC predicts that 65% of global gross domestic product (GDP) will be digitalized by 2022. In addition, global investments in digital transformation (DX) are expected to exceed $6.8 trillion over the 2020–2023 period.

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Digital Transformation in Retail Industry: The Latest State in Turkey

IDC predicts that 65% of global GDP digitalized by 2022 and will drive over $6.8 trillion of direct DX investments for 2020–2023 globally.
Companies that have successfully transformed themselves fully into digital enterprises realize twice the revenue and operating profits when compared with those that have not transformed yet.


On Demand Webinar: Taking a Cloud Native Approach to Customer experience

77% of CSP’s plan to run at least one system in the cloud this year. The Telecom industry has been talking about the shift to the cloud for over 5 years. Operators need for applications to be cloud-native to get the most out of the transition to the cloud and customer-facing operations are a good starting. In our TM Forum joint webinar, we are looking at some challenges and approaches being taken during CX transitions.

Tmf Stay Informed Webinar Showcase