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E-book: a new approach to B2B customer segmentation

The inflexibility of legacy customer segmentation is holding communications service providers (CSPs) back as they seek to evolve and expand their B2B operations. To maximize their commercial opportunities, they need to find smarter ways to segment their market that address the evolving needs of their customers, taking into account key trends such as hybridization, consumerization and verticalization, as well as new channel strategies and B2B2X models.


The Endless Race in E-commerce: Customer Experience

Today, the retail industry is changing rapidly and dramatically. Global economic fluctuations could limit growth in this sector, which accounts for roughly 30% of the worldwide economy and is worth more than $25 trillion globally. However, new business models, changing customer behavior, and technological advances have triggered a significant shift to e-commerce, creating a wide variety of new market opportunities.

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28 En Tr

It’s time for a new approach to B2B market segmentation

Little has changed in how telecom operators segment their B2B markets over the last 20 to 30 years. But B2B is changing. Businesses are moving to embrace digitization. They want to improve the digital experiences that they are offering their own customers. And they have a growing belief in the transformative power of new technologies such as cloud computing and the IoT. Business people, and in particular those who make technology purchasing decisions, want access to services that are as simple, intuitive and affordable as the ones they use as consumers.


Digital Transformation - Hype vs Reality

Digital transformation has been a buzzword in the telecommunication industry for at least 15 years. The transition from the Communication Service Provider to the Digital Service Provider has been on the agenda of every telco for at least a decade with various projects that have spun off where Chief Digital Officers and similar sort of titles and functions have been created. We have seen some really good efforts from operators that we've worked with, and there are other well-known digital transformation case studies around the world.

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30 En Tr

The power of CRM: the importance of retaining your customers, and how to do it best

Customer experience is the new king, the biggest differentiator for companies, and personalization is probably the most important element of that. Let’s see, why.

Finding new customers, establishing, and maintaining a strong relationship with them is always a challenge for a company. It is commonplace to say, but still true, that attracting a new customer is much more expensive, than retaining a current one. It could cost more than 5 times as much!


Enhancing Customer Experience with Technology Investments

Improving the customer experience is the most important tool that brands can use to make a competitive distinction and increase customer loyalty.

Research shows that 73% of consumers believe that a differentiated experience is essential for customer loyalty.

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