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AI Bubbles for Your CSR

Let’s imagine, when your CSR or one of your dealers enters the system and a virtual assistant helps them to know the customer better, not missing a detail and offering the best available product they can buy or reminding the CSR an opportunity for a segment upgrade for customer.

Standard CRM products manually cover these processes but does not provide a “contextual” view of the customer; it appears as unassociated and disjointed customer information that the CSR must piece together. There is limited 360 view of the customer; at best it provides what the customer have bought before, and what the customer is buying now, but not what she or he likes or is likely to buy. What about her or his social media postings, community of interest and influences.


2018: Rise of Digital Platforms for Strong Business Ecosystems

In 2018, Enterprise growth will depend on the strength of business ecosystems. This will be possible not only having strong business partners but also having right technology investment to manage complex, adaptive and flexible digital business models.

To leverage business ecosystems, CMOs and CIOs must develop a new and proactive engagement strategy to reach connections way beyond the total ecosystem. The basis of the strategy is quite obvious: make it digital, make it smart, make it adoptable and flexible. This will only be possible with next generation digital platforms having unified catalog and information management modules focusing on customer experience.


The customer journey: the new life cycle in the digital economy

We’re just a week away from this year’s TM Forum Live, which if past years are anything to go by will provide an excellent platform for discussions on the topics I have explored in my recent blogs.

I started out by asking a couple of simple questions: what does it mean to be a digital service provider, and how will today’s communications service providers make this transition? The answers are far more complex, of course. CSPs are required to undergo a transformation process that will be painful at times, but ultimately — if implemented correctly — highly rewarding on a number of levels.


Engage, monetize and care

My recent blogs have explored why and how communication service providers (CSPs) are now evolving into digital service providers (DSPs), and also focused on the importance of innovation in BSS/OSS once the enterprise product catalogue (EPC) has been consolidated.

Now that you have these fundamental concepts in place, a crucial next step is to think about how you will enable the digital life for your customers. Essentially, this means providing a fully digital experience in the way that you carry out transactions and manage your operations, and how you represent yourself to the customer.


In search of the right telco CRM


MWC: What is it good for?

As we move into the latter half of January, our thoughts are already turning to what for many in our industry is one of the event highlights of the year. I am of course referring to Mobile World Congress, which takes place this year from 22-25 February.

Yet aside from a few days in the beautiful city of Barcelona and the opportunity to catch up with colleagues past and present, what does MWC really provide in return for the sizeable investment - both in time and money - that many OSS/BSS companies make in attending this event every year?
