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My API Story: Delivering customer-centric, AI-driven solutions

Open APIs are central to achieving Etiya's primary goal: To provide a seamless omnichannel customer journey.”

Check out the “My API Story” of Şerafettin Acir, Director of Product Management & Architecture at Etiya, and learn more about why he thinks TM Forum Open APIs are beneficial both for developers and CSPs in accelerating deployments and enabling rapid transformation.


Extreme personalization is here and driving huge business advantage. Are you ready for it?

AI is revolutionizing the way companies sell to their customers. It has already obsoleted static, periodic marketing campaigns along with generic price plans, bundles and offers, and is delivering the type of real-time, relevant, hyper-personalized and novel buying experiences that customers increasingly expect. In this article we explore how this sales and marketing revolution is going to impact CSPs and what they can do today to deliver a smarter buying experience for their customers while improving profitability for themselves.

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How to succeed in creating the right architecture for an agile and sustainable operation?

Digital transformation brings new and innovative capabilities to CSPs, addressing both business and technology challenges and delivering flexibility and agility throughout their operations. In this discussion with Ali Durmuş, PhD, Founding Partner and CTO of Etiya we look specifically at some of those benefits and features of a digital BSS.


Omnichannel challenges: can telcos enhance the customer service experience?

Communications service providers (CSPs) are investing in becoming more customer-centric organizations, and customer care systems are among the first legacy applications to move to cloud-native, microservices-based architectures.

At the same time, progress in machine learning, AI and data analytics is making it easier for CSPs to tap into the wealth of data their networks generate so they can deliver better service and support more personalized digital experiences.

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The Sustainable Telco: Creating Value for Business and Society through Digital Transformation

Sustainability can be applied to all functions and aspects of the telecom operator business.

The topic reaches well beyond managing the environmental aspects of how the company operates. It is also about how CSPs treat their employees, their partners, and their customers, how they see their future growth, how they act upon their opportunities and also how they build long-term sustainable capabilities.


Unleashing Telco B2B / B2B2X Opportunities With Next-Gen BSS

BSS plays an increasingly important role in revenue assurance and in delivering superior end-to-end experience for customers. In the B2B segment, complexity of services, pricing and delivery, and the novel technologies involved require a new monetization approach for telcos.

Check out our e-book on how next generation BSS can unleash telco B2B and B2B2X opportunities, including a comprehensive market analysis by The Fast Mode, industry views, and an article on how we see the role and capabilities of a modern digital BSS to enable monetization and improve CX.

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